Design of Alcohol Percent Detection Devices for Food Based on Arduino Uno
Tape is a traditional food that is consumed by many people. Tape made using yeast by fermenting for 3-4 days covered with banana leaves to produce a sweet taste. Besides that the tape also contains alcohol from the fermentation of yeast and rice, if you consume too much tape, the body will feel hot because it does not know what percentage of the alcohol contained in the tape. To overcome such a thing, it is necessary to design a measuring device for alcohol content on food tape in order to know the percentage of alcohol on the tape. The Arduino Uno-based Alcohol Percentage Detection Device Design Series consists of three parts, namely the input part, the control part and the display part. Created to simplify the process of designing Alcohol Percentage Detection Devices on Food based on Arduino Uno. Where the MQ3 sensor is used as an input to get the alcohol percentage from the tape, Arduino Uno can be programmed in real time and the percentage data results will be displayed on LCD I2 Inc. Based on the test results it can be concluded that the MQ3 sensor which functions as an input and outputs sound in the form of a buzzer. The LCD functions as showing the percentage of alcohol on the tape. Tests that have been carried out get the results of the percentage of alcohol content on tape with five consecutive days of testing with an average of 22%, 39%, 46%, 57%, and 67%.
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