About the Journal
Praise and thanksgiving to Allah SWT for His grace and guidance so that Journal of Technology and Engineering Innovation (Inotera) can be published. This journal as a forum to disseminate the results of research in engineering technology innovation to academics, government, practitioners, students, and others.
With the presence of this journal Inotera, is expected to increase the motivation of lecturers to write and publish the results of research so as to contribute meaningfully to the development of Indonesia.
In Volume 1 No. 1 December 2016, Journal of Inotera Politeknik Aceh Selatan presents a number of articles containing interesting and strategic issues. This edition of the journal contains 7 articles. Several articles in this number are expected to contribute to the development of vocational engineering studies.
The rise of this number is also due to the hard work and attention of many parties. Therefore, the editor expressed his gratitude to the partner who has been waiting for his article to be published. The editors also expect input and submission of academic texts and scientific papers that will enrich the treasures of science. We as the manager will always make corrections and improvements so that this Inotera Journal can be recognized internationally. Hopefully the writings in this journal can be useful to the reader and provide a lot of enlightenment for the better.